Pursuant to the Inheritances, Donations, Parental Donations, Dowries, and Gambling Winnings Taxation Code, ratified by virtue of Article 1 of Law 2961/2001, as currently in force, inheritance tax is levied on all property situated in Greece and belonging to Greek nationals or foreigners, as well as movable property situated abroad and belonging to a Greek national or a foreign national who was domiciled in Greece. Movable property situated abroad and belonging to a Greek national who has been established in the foreign country in question for at least ten (10) consecutive years is exempt from inheritance tax. This exemption does not apply to the property of civil servants, military personnel and employees of enterprises with registered offices in Greece, where these persons were established abroad due to this capacity.
The beneficiary of the acquisition is liable for taxation, and the tax depends on the value of the property transferred and the degree of kinship of the heir to the testator.
Taxpayers, depending on their degree of kinship to the testator, are classified into three (3) categories; different tax bands with different tax-free amounts and rates apply for each of them.
The following are classified into category A: a) the spouse or civil partner of the testator; b) the children; c) the grandchildren; and d) the parents of the testator.
The following are classified into category B: a) descendants by blood of the third and following degrees (great grandchildren etc.); b) ascendants by blood of the second and following degrees (grandparents, great grandparents, etc.); c) offspring acknowledged voluntarily or by a court decree with regard to the ascendants of the father who acknowledged them; d) descendants of the child acknowledged with regard to the person who acknowledged them and their ascendants; e) brothers (by whole or half blood); f) blood relatives of the third degree in a collateral line (nephews and nieces of the testator); g) step-fathers and step-mothers; h) children from a previous marriage of the spouse; i) children-in-law (sons-in-law, daughters-in-law); and j) ascendants-in-law (fathers-in-law, mothers-in-law) of the testator.
Any other relative of the testator by blood or by marriage or any third person is classified into category C
Source: gov.gr